Are you struggling with any of these?
Digestive Problems
Food sensitivities
Weight gain/loss
I will provide the tools you need:
Food Intolerance Test
(406 foods, chemicals and environmental toxins)
Dietary support
Individualized Lifestyle Change Process
Health Assessment
Nutrient Evaluation
Strategy Session
Evidence-based Coaching

Lifestyle Medicine
It’s not just the food we eat, but all the variables in our lives that influence our health, including environment, background, physical activity, relationships, nutrition, genetics, lifestyle, and preferences. You are not like everyone else. For you to get the level of wellness you desire, we must look at your unique health status and the variables influencing it to find the keys to your best “you.”
Positively Well offers private, one-on-one health and wellness consulting based on bio-individuality. It is a partnership with you and your other health care providers to resolve or improve health conditions and to create optimal wellness.

A wellness program involves health assessment, personal exploration, quantitative testing and application, and scientifically studied behavioral change approaches. The individualized wellness process will include all areas of your life because they are all connected.
Wellness coaching begins with a foundation session followed by weekly (30 min) Internet or phone sessions. One of the most valuable components is that clients have regular access to Cherise outside of sessions by text and email for support and questions. Sessions are one-on-one.
The tools used will be individually determined. Any labs or diagnostics are an additional charge. Through extensive research
and experience working with clients, Positively Well offers the most impacting and relevant labs to provide appropriate data for successful outcomes. Other tools or resources may be recommended. Some can be found in our Store section.
The power and transformational ability of wellness coaching is as strong as the commitment. The investment in the process and the tools reflects the value of the results. Alliance, support, motivation, accountability, and education provide a foundation for successful lifestyle change and ultimate wellness. Amazing outcomes are the result of the process because it is a client-centered, whole-person approach.

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call
If you are ready to invest in yourself and would like a complimentary health evaluation, follow the steps below:
Step 1
Answer the questions on the evaluation form below.
Step 2
Schedule an appointment below.

Post Coaching Support
In order to provide individuals with the sometimes-needed additional support following the wellness program relationship, Positively Well offers monthly and yearly plans which include follow-up sessions and availability for short questions/inquiry by phone, text or email.
*This is available for current or past clients only →