Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits and Veggies Every Day
Lifestyle, Nutrition, WellnessCherise Pendletonadd more fruits and vegetables, health coaches have great ideas for nutrition, fruits and veggies are nutrition powerhouses, eat the rainbow, add vegetables to spaghetti sauce, eat twice as many vegetables at a meal, pack fruits and vegetables as snacks, more vegetables means more nutrition, get more fiber from eating fruits and vegetables, eat organic fruits and vegetables
How To Use Exercise To Help You Reach Your Health And Weight-Loss Goals
Wellness, Lifestyle, Physical ActivityCherise PendletonAccountability is important to change lifestyle, increase exercise a little at a time, get an exercise buddy, wellness accountability from a friend, family members can help you stay accountable with your fitness goals, health coaching and accountability, wellness matters, One thing you can do to improve your health and manage your weight, exercise is a realistic goal, wellness journal
How Much Exercise Do You Really Need to Get in Shape?
Physical Activity, WellnessCherise Pendletonwhat is the minimum amount of exercise, start exercise slow and increase a little at a time, eat more veggies, swap soda for water, you can add, exercise to your daily life, benefits of exercise, new year’s resolutions, fitness goals, realistic exercise, health and exercise
Should You be on a Gluten Free Diet?
Science, Nutrition, WellnessCherise Pendletongluten-free is not always healthy, should be eating gluten-free?, food sensitivity testing, autoimmune disease, Celiac disease symptoms, how many people are gluten-sensitive, Test for IGG, IGA, IGE and IGM, what do you eat on a gluten-free diet?, are gluten-free cookies healthy?, gluten-free junk food
Caffeine - Is it good or bad for you?
Nutrition, Wellness, ScienceCherise Pendletonis caffeine good for you?, How much is too much caffeine, caffeine and metabolism, caffeine and high blood pressure, caffeine and athletic performance, chocolate has caffeine in it, caffeine affects sleep, caffeine in medications, energy drinks contain sugar, tea and caffeine
How to Eat Healthy While Traveling
Nutrition, WellnessCherise PendletonEating While Traveling, You can stay on track with your health goals during the holidays, You can stay on track with eating when you travel, apps for eating out while traveling, Volume matters when eating on the road, Bring healthy food with you when you travel, Drink water instead of soda or alcohol when traveling, Have a treat occasionally, Sugar, salt and unhealthy fats are a problem when eating away from home, Eat healthy at restaurants
Frankincense - The King of Essential Oils
Science, WellnessCherise PendletonFrankincense is anti-inflammatory, Frankincense calms anxiety, Frankincense reduces scarring, Frankincense can lower blood pressure, Frankincense – the king of essential oils, Frankincense helps with joint pain, Frankincense boosts the immune system, Frankincense calms, Frankincense is the most important oil for your medicine cabinet, Frankincense has been around for thousands of years
How Hormones Affect Your Energy And Weight
Science, Wellness, NutritionCherise Pendletonhormones and weight, Is weight loss about willpower?, energy and weight loss hormones, exercise and blood sugar, cortisol and weight loss, insulin resistance, sleep and hormones, exercise, energy and weight loss, tips for hormone balance, Eat more vegetables for hormone balance
How To Fit Exercise Into Your Life
Lifestyle, WellnessCherise Pendletonenjoyable exercise, exercise is physical activity, why do you want to exercise, exercise can become unconscious habit, you don’t have to live with chronic ailments, call exercise physical activity, 2 and a half hours exercise each week, You can add 15 to 30 minutes of exercise to your day, Tired of being sick and tired, wellness plan
Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals
Nutrition, Lifestyle, WellnessCherise PendletonHow to avoid overeating at the Holidays, Tips to not overeat, veggies fill you up, drink water before meals, eat your salad before your meal, healthy holiday eating, eating for satisfaction, mindful eating, mindfulness helps to avoid overeating, Put 75% veggies on your plate at each meal
10 Ways to Limit Sugar
Lifestyle, WellnessCherise PendletonHow to reduce sugar, sugar is addictive, sugar can cause obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease, food is medicine, easy ways to lower your sugar intake, have a treat occasionally, sugar is empty calories with no nutrition or fiber
Enzymes and Digestion
Nutrition, Wellness, LifestyleCherise PendletonFruit and vegetables provide enzymes needed for nutrient absorption, Digestive enzymes, bloating and gas, digestive problems, digestive health, food sensitivities can develop with lack of enzymes, root cause of digestive symptoms may be enzyme deficiency, digestion starts in the mouth, constipation, indigestion
How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene
LifestyleCherise Pendletonsleep hygiene, sleep is a game changer when it comes to good health, sleep like a baby, Devices like cell phones and computers disrupt sleep, get some sunshine, Everyone needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, melatonin is a super hormone, sleep environment, Before bed routine promotes sleep, exercise and sleep
Are you eating Healthy? Is it keeping you from losing weight and Stealing your Energy?
Nutrition, LifestyleCherise Pendletoncounting calories and weight loss, health information madness, how to eat healthy, Is it all about calories?, Smoothies, Drink your food, what you eat is important, mindful eating, healthy fats and whole grains, amino acids are essential
Copaiba Essential Oil – Whole Body Wellness
Essential Oils, Science, WellnessCherise Pendletonessential oils for pain, copaiba essential oil, Copaiba essential oil is better than CBD oil, copaiba and betacaryophyllene, cannabinoid receptors, whole-body wellness with copaiba, joint pain, ancient oils, alternative to NSAIDs, Nervous System support with Copiaba essential oil
You Can Make Healthy Choices At Restaurants
Lifestyle, NutritionCherise Pendletoneating out on a diet, healthy choices at restaurants, eating out with allergies, Make a plan for eating healthy at restaurants, eating out can be healthy, Which restaurant food is healthiest?, How can I make healthy choices when eating out?, tips for eating out, healthiest restaurant foods, healthy dining
What is Metabolism?
NutritionCherise Pendletonhealth coaching, wellness, lifestyle medicine, organic food, nutrition, personalized health, health promotion, disease prevention, weight management, digestive health, what is metabolism, understand metabolism
Lemon - The Most Essential Oil
Essential OilsCherise Pendletonessential oils, lemon essential oils, how to use lemon essential oils, doterra lemon oil uses, health coaching, wellness, lifestyle medicine, organic food, nutrition, food sensitivities, leaky gut, stress reduction, chronic disease, preventive health, personalized health, sleep hygiene, environment, health promotion, disease prevention, weight management, digestive health, mindfulness, smoking cessation, healthy outcomes, exercise, heart health, National Board Certified, gut-brain connection, clean eats, eat the rainbow, emotional health, feel good now, healing
10 Ways to Kick Stress in the Butt
What Exactly Is A Plant-Based Diet And Why Is It Good For You?