Should You be on a Gluten Free Diet?
Science, Nutrition, WellnessCherise Pendletongluten-free is not always healthy, should be eating gluten-free?, food sensitivity testing, autoimmune disease, Celiac disease symptoms, how many people are gluten-sensitive, Test for IGG, IGA, IGE and IGM, what do you eat on a gluten-free diet?, are gluten-free cookies healthy?, gluten-free junk food
Caffeine - Is it good or bad for you?
Nutrition, Wellness, ScienceCherise Pendletonis caffeine good for you?, How much is too much caffeine, caffeine and metabolism, caffeine and high blood pressure, caffeine and athletic performance, chocolate has caffeine in it, caffeine affects sleep, caffeine in medications, energy drinks contain sugar, tea and caffeine
Frankincense - The King of Essential Oils
Science, WellnessCherise PendletonFrankincense is anti-inflammatory, Frankincense calms anxiety, Frankincense reduces scarring, Frankincense can lower blood pressure, Frankincense – the king of essential oils, Frankincense helps with joint pain, Frankincense boosts the immune system, Frankincense calms, Frankincense is the most important oil for your medicine cabinet, Frankincense has been around for thousands of years
How Hormones Affect Your Energy And Weight
Science, Wellness, NutritionCherise Pendletonhormones and weight, Is weight loss about willpower?, energy and weight loss hormones, exercise and blood sugar, cortisol and weight loss, insulin resistance, sleep and hormones, exercise, energy and weight loss, tips for hormone balance, Eat more vegetables for hormone balance
Copaiba Essential Oil – Whole Body Wellness
Essential Oils, Science, WellnessCherise Pendletonessential oils for pain, copaiba essential oil, Copaiba essential oil is better than CBD oil, copaiba and betacaryophyllene, cannabinoid receptors, whole-body wellness with copaiba, joint pain, ancient oils, alternative to NSAIDs, Nervous System support with Copiaba essential oil