Frankincense - The King of Essential Oils

It seems appropriate to talk about Frankincense oil because of this time of year when we are reminded of the story of Christmas when the Wise Men brought Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh to the baby Jesus.  Frankincense is a precious substance used for thousands of years.  

Frankincense essential oil is sourced from the resin of the Boswellia tree.  It can grow in dry climates with little soil.  It produces special compounds with medicinal properties.  The most beneficial are the anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects.  However, there are many more beneficial properties that make it the “king of essential oils.”  If I had to choose only one essential oil, it would be Doterra’s Frankincense.


Primary Benefits:

1. Decreases inflammation and pain

Frankincense inhibits inflammation and can be useful for decreasing symptoms of muscle and joint pain, arthritis and even intestinal pain. Researchers confirmed the pain-relieving properties of frankincense oil in a study stating, “The present study provided the scientific justification about the analgesic properties of the essential oils, extract, and various sub-fractions obtained from the resin of B. sacra, thus validating its use in traditional folk medicines and other products: and hence supporting the development of the analgesic properties of bioactive natural substances.” 1

2. Promotes feelings of relaxation and reduces stress

Frankincense is helpful for reducing heart rate and blood pressure and has calming, anti-depression and anti-anxiety properties. Researchers observed the strong emotional effects of frankincense in a study, and it stated “We found… that when tested in mice, it lowers anxiety and causes antidepressive-like behavior.” 2

3. Supports skin health

Frankincense can improve skin tone, aging effects, scarring, acne, wounds, and even fade stretch marks. It has a steroid-like effect on skin without the side effects.

4. Supports healthy immune system

The immune system functions to send white blood cells to areas of the body when in distress. Frankincense enhances the ability of the body’s immune system to repair, heal and protect against bacteria, viruses and other disease-promoting elements.

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Top Frankincense Uses:

  1. Diffuse Frankincense to help fight anxiety and lower blood pressure (2 drops per 100 ml or ½ cup). You can also inhale directly from the bottle or a drop in your hand for immediate relief.

  2. Mix 1 drop of Frankincense oil with half a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply a small amount to skin to improve the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, scars or acne.  This would be enough for several applications.  More is not better.  Always test for skin sensitivity on a small area first.  Enjoy the DIY scar-reducing recipe below too.

  3. Massage a few drops of Frankincense oil to areas of muscle or joint pain.

  4. Diffuse 2 drops Frankincense oil plus 2 drops of Breathe essential oil for cold or congestion-relief.

Frankincense is truly the “king of essential oils” because it has so many different uses, and they can’t all be listed here.  If you already use essential oils or even if you haven’t tried them, Frankincense will be a great addition.  Get it free this month HERE with your 200 pv purchase.

Scar Reducing Body Butter 3

Total Time: 5 minutes | Serves: 4



  1. In a double boiler, melt the shea butter until it’s liquid.

  2. Make sure the oil is not so hot that it will burn you, then add the other oils and stir together to combine. Having the shea butter be room temperature or a little warmer is best.

  3. You can either smear it on your scar right away, or if you’d like to make it into a shelf-stable cream texture, place the mixture in the fridge until it’s cool for a few minutes, then use a hand mixer on high speed to whip the oils into a white cream.

  4. Pour into a glass jar or containers, and keep it at room temperature to use whenever you want.
